BBHS Long-Range 战略计划
Following a year-long process engaging over 700 stakeholders, the Bishop Blanchet High School 董事会 adopted a new, long-range 战略计划 on September 10, 2022. 该计划概述了未来7-10年的愿景,其中有六个目标,重点是加强我们的学生项目, employee experience and overall institutional vitality. We are grateful to all those who participated in this process, particularly the Steering Committee and Topic Team members.
The document outlining the full 战略计划 can be accessed 在这里 and a summary of the six goals is provided below
- 目标1:天主教社会教学中的多样性、公平和包容
- Goal 2: Integrated Spiritual Growth
- Goal 3: Healthy, Balanced Young Adults Prepared for Life
- Goal 4: Optimize the Employee Experience
- Goal 5: Deepening Awareness, Engagement and Affinity
- Goal 6: Enhancing Institutional Sustainability
Goal 2: Integrated Spiritual Growth
Goal 3: Healthy, Balanced Young Adults Prepared for Life
Goal 4: Optimize the Employee Experience
Goal 5: Deepening Awareness, Engagement and Affinity
Goal 6: Enhancing Institutional Sustainability
- 战略计划ning Steering Committee
- BBHS Community Topic Team
- Human Resources Topic Team
- Stewardship and Sustainability Topic Team
- Student Development Topic Team